Sunday 10 February 2019

What's Up #9: Just a Chill Post

Hello everyone, and welcome back.
Today's post is going to be a very relaxed post as I'm currently not feeling well, but I still wanted to do a post.

Today's has been a day of quiet reflection for me. Typically, I try to set aside at least 5-10 minutes per day to reflect on my feelings and thoughts, in an attempt to keep track of potential mood triggers. My mental health has become a priority following months of being ill, which allowed my mental health to deteriorate.

Today as I was reflecting, one word constantly came into my mind. That word was gratitude. As a clinician, teaching and understanding the power of gratitude is an essential part of my practice with clients, however, within my own personal life, I allow it to be overshadowed by other events in life. As 2019 opened, I made it my goal to look for small moments every week that I was grateful for. From seeing beautiful butterflies fluttering in my garden, to hearing rain during our hot dry season here in Trinidad. Thus far, the results of this practice have been astonishing. I've noticed that I'm purposely looking for the good in everyday, rather than focusing on one event that may have been negative and dwelling on that negativity which would in turn greatly affect my mood. Rather, I would look for the lesson in that negative event, I take that lesson to heart and let the event go to rest.
While this is an ongoing process, and while my anxiety isn't miraculously cured, I've gotten a better hold on my anxiety, and I've experienced much fewer events of panic. I've been able to ground myself better because I've been practicing and learning to shift the focus from the event/catalysis to what I can learn or gain from this event.

Despite my profession, this isn't a help guide post. This post is legitimately just me pouring out what's in my brain at the moment. I'm grateful that I have this platform to allow me to speak freely about what I love and what I care about. I'm passionate about mental health and opening the door to discussions on mental health, just as much as I'm passionate about sharing my love for makeup. I'm grateful for each person who reads any of my blog posts; for you to willingly take time out of your day to come visit my blog means the world to me, and makes me very happy.
I'm planning on doing more posts like this one, where I pour my heart and brain out onto a keyboard. It's a personal touch, and as aforementioned I'm passionate about mental health, so it's important to me to speak openly about my own struggles.

Thank you all for coming by today. I'll see you all next time.
Bye guys (^_^)/