Sunday 13 January 2019

Product Review: My Juvia's Place Collection Part I

Welcome to the first post of 2019!
I do hope you all are doing well.  I'm so very sorry for abandoning the blog in 2018. However, I've rededicated myself to posting, and will be introducing new content to the blog throughout the year.

Today, I'm making my return by doing a series focusing on my Juvia's Place (JP) eyeshadow palette collection. I currently own five (5) palettes from their current line, and for this part,  I'll be reviewing and sharing looks and swatches of the two (2) palettes that I have owned the longest.
In December 2017, I purchased the Zulu, and the Saharan II palettes at a local store, Jeulynn. I paid TT$250, and TT$275 respectively for each palette at the time. However, Starlite recently added Juvia's Place palettes to their store with prices starting at TT$195, and they are authentic.

The Zulu Palette 

The Zulu palette was initially a limited edition launch by JP, however, it is still being sold on their website. I truly love this palette, and I hope and pray that they never...and I mean never discontinue this palette. This palette is absolutely beautiful. The colours are vibrant and vivid. When I bought this palette, I was stuck in a neutral eyeshadow rut. I was terrified of colourful eyeshadow due to my colourful hair, thinking they would clash with each other.
Juvia's Place Zulu Palette
This picture makes my palette look pristine, and untouched. However, I use this palette all the time. Whenever I need to add a pop of colour, I pull this palette. Whenever I feel like doing a colourful look, or a character inspired makeup look, this is what I reach for. *(Character inspired looks will be returning this year yay!!)* 


These swatches are done with my fingers. The yellow and purple were layered (built up) to show the opacity of the colour. These colours build up well, and also blend well. I've not experience difficulty blending the purple eyeshadow; no patchiness and it does not blend away. I have experienced some staining with the bright pink, however, it doesn't deter me from using the palette.

The Saharan II 

Modern day neutrals that aren't for the faint-hearted with some pops of colour, is how I would describe the Saharan II palette. I bought this palette to help me ground the Zulu palette since it was far out of my comfort zone.
My Saharan II is very well loved. It was my first introduction to the texture of JP eyeshadows as I used this palette before breaking into the Zulu.
Current state of my palette. Very well loved.
These eyeshadows are the epitome of buttery, and blendable. The metallic and shimmer shades are very soft and delicate. I learnt this the hard way when my palette fell and Hadiya (top right) broke. I managed to repair it with some rubbing alcohol, and I've not experienced any texture change with the shadow since that. The mattes in this palette blend very easily, and are extremely pigmented so a little goes a long way.


Unlike the Zulu, these eyeshadows are named. The eyeshadows were swatched according to their row.
N.B. (**) denotes my favourite shades in the palette

First Row (First Three Swatches) - Marrakesh, Aziza**, Hadiya
Second Row (Second Three Swatches) - Berber, Nomad**, Chefchaouen
Third Row (Final Three Swatches) - Fez**, Zohra**, Taza**

Similar to the Zulu, I experienced some minor staining with the shade Zohra, however, it hasn't deterred me from using the palette.

Looks Gallery 

I've decided to include some of my favourite looks I've done using these palettes. For more looks feel free to follow my Instagram (if you click on the word 'Instagram' it'll take you directly to my page) ^_^

Using the last row of the Zulu
Using the Zulu palette (Turquoise, Teal, Pink, Purple)

Saharan II- Taza, Fez, and Berber (lid)
Saharan II - Zohra, Aziza (lid)


These two palettes were a great introduction for me to Juvia's Place eyeshadows. They inspired me to start reaching beyond my makeup comfort zone, and to start playing with colour. I'm not a makeup artist (obviously), just a girl who enjoys playing with makeup, and Juvia's Place eyeshadows are my favourite toys. 
I recently added the Magic Mini palette to my collection, and will be doing a post on it in the furture since I am still playing around and testing the eyeshadows. The Magic Mini is my fifth (5th) JP palette, so part 2 of my Juvia's Place Collection will be posted in the near future. 

As aforementioned, I will be trying to introduce new content to my blog, inclusive of mental health posts, and I would love to have some feedback from you all, as to what you would like to see in the future.
Thank you all for the continued support of my blog, even when I've been M.I.A for so long. I hope you all keep well until I speak to you all next.
Bye guys (^_^)/

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