Tuesday 25 November 2014

Nerd Girl Faves: Favourite Television Shows

I've been waiting to start this series on my blog for a few weeks now. this idea popped into my head the very first time I snuck Doctor Who into one of my monthly favourites post. I will never fail to admit that I am an all round nerd. I love sci-fi and tech, I love video games and reading, comics and anime and also learning about any and everything. Yup all rounded nerd at your service!

For this specific post, I'm going to be sharing with you some of the old and new shows I've been indulging in and hey if you have a show you want to recommend, you can leave it in a comment below or you can send it to me on my social media accounts, I truly would love to know.

1. Power Rangers Ninja Storm
No, I am not ashamed to say that I spent a week binge watching Power Rangers! Ninja Storm was awesome when I was 10-11 and it's still awesome now. There's something so strange about re-watching a childhood favourite. I never realised how unbelievably corny, sarcastic and pun filled the humour was in Ninja Storm was back then, and since I have a great love and appreciation for corny, punny and sarcastic humour *(sarcasm is my second language, huehue) I just fell right back in love with Ninja Storm.

2. Doctor Who
This new season had it's ups and downs, a lot of hits and a few misses. However, there is something about Steven Moffat penning a season finale, that will almost always strike a blow to a Whovians heart and that's precisely what he did with the Series 8 finale. Poor Clara, poor Danny, poor Doctor :(. Although I'm sad that the new series/season is over, I cannot wait for the Christmas Special, Nick Frost as Santa!!! December needs to hurry and get here!

Well, that's it for the "oldies" this time, now onto the new stuff.

1. Gotham
Oswald Cobblepot....that is all!
Just Kidding! Honestly, I know that the show is meant to be based around Detective Jim Gordon, but Cobblepot steals the show. Robin Lord Taylor is undoubtedly one of the best actors I have seen in a while. He immersing himself so well into the persona of Cobblepot that it's hard to believe it's merely a character from a script that he's bringing to life.
One thing about this show is that the casting is above reproach. The casting was absolutely phenomenal and these amazing, mostly unknown group of actors bring forth perfect execution, to some of the better drama scripts in U.S network prime time television.

2. Scorpion
I've been waiting for a new show that involved a genius after CBS cancelled Numb3rs, and I have been given 4 geniuses, 1 Homeland Security agent, 1 former waitress now genius handler and her genius son.....Thank goodness! After watching the pilot on it's debut night, I haven't stopped tuning in to see what kind of trouble this band of genius misfits get into. Scorpion is made up by Walter, the leader and general genius badass, Toby the behaviourists (my personal favourite), Happy the mechanical genius and Sylvester the human calculator, Agent Gallo, Paige and her son Ralph <--(cute as a button). Scorpion is quickly becoming one of my favourite shows on television and I truly hope it doesn't meet the fate of Surviving Jack, which was absolutely amazing, one of the best comedies in recent years and it got cancelled. ;---;

I highly recommend if you are looking for a new show to watch to check one of these out if you haven't already. I will not post anything about specific episodes because....... "Spoilers ;)" 

That's it for this post, I think I will continue with this nerd girl favourites series because so many new videogames have hit the shelves, so that will be an interesting undertaking. We are in the last week of November, therefore a November faves is rapidly approaching so be on the lookout for that.

Until next time, stay happy, stay healthy and stay positive and I'll talk to you soon.
Bye guys (^_^)/

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