Tuesday 22 July 2014

What's Up #3 : Lil Update

What's up everyone?

It's been over a week since my last post...the World Cup withdrawal is real :'(.
However, it doesn't mean the football drama is over. Both Philipp Lahm and Steven Gerrard announced their retirement from international football </3. Transfer season has been hot with new signings every other day and the rumour mill running overtime. This upcoming season is going to be worth the wait.

Now for some updatey, type things:
  1.  I did my last exam as an Undergrad student on the 14th, yay me! Feels odd saying that I completed my degree, 3 years over and done with in the blink of an eye. Now I get to start job hunting :/ , although I've been thinking of doing some makeup/cosmetology courses even some baking/pastry courses since I'm taking a year off before doing my Masters. I still have some decisions to make pertaining to doing my Masters, so I didn't apply immediately for the new semester.
  2. I dyed my hair. I've been rocking a deep burgundy colour for a while now and decided that I wanted a change, so I dyed it purple. Yep, purple. It's dark so without sunlight you can barely tell that it's even there which I really enjoy. It's been very gloomy these days in Trinidad (what do I expect it's the bloody rainy season here) so it's been hard to get a good pic of my hair colour but once I do, I'm sure I'll put it up on my Instagram. *Link to my Instagram and other social media things are to the right if you want to follow me ;)
  3. Caught a bit of a cold, so I've been under the weather for the past couple of days. I was supposed to post up a small haul this past Sunday but since I haven't been well, I've just been taking it easy, training and breeding my Pokémon (Yes, I play Pokémon!)

I will post my mini haul later on in the week, hopefully by Friday I should post it up. I have a butt ton of blog post ideas that I need to get working on. 

Anywhosie, that's all for this lil update post, I hope you all are happy, healthy and safe. Remember to stay positive and I'll talk to you all soon.
Bye :)

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