Friday 29 August 2014

What's Up #4! At least I think it's #4: Update: End of Summer

Hello everyone. How have you been? It's been just about 2 weeks since my last post, yikes! I apologise for my absence but I decided that I needed to spend a little time away from the blog because I was just feeling really out of everything. I was in a bit of a glum slum, but now I'm back and I'm ready to go.
I have a few ideas for upcoming post. I'm definitely going to be posting an August Favourites, so look out for that one very soon. I'm also planning to do a lipstick post focusing on the L.A Colors Hydrating Lipsticks, I don't know when I'll be posting that one but I'm hoping it will be within the next week.

This week I signed up to take part in a makeup workshop and I'm super excited. We'll be learning some tips and tricks from a professional makeup artist and of course I'll be very willing to share some of what I learn with everyone. I'm also going to use this experience with the workshop to gauge if I really would like to look into makeup artistry as a profession. Although my heart belongs to psychology and my dream is to become a Forensic Psychologist, there's no rule dictating that I can't be a freelance makeup artist also. Who knows, freelancing as a makeup artist can help me pay for my Masters and I do love makeup, everything about it, which is one the main reasons I started this blog in the first place.

Now, most people love summer since it's a great time to go partying and hang out with friends or go clubbing. I love summer because of conventions. Now I've never been to a convention but I want to go so badly! Comic-Con and PAX Prime...I'll see you someday, I will find a way to you *sniffle*. I'm so excited for the announcement of new games, the launch of game trailers, I mean have you seen the Pokken announcement! A Tekken style, Pokemon fighting game....shut up and take my money! Also, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will be launching soon!!<---(Pokemon Nerd I am!) A new Saints Row was announced today and yes I want it! I'm also wanting to get my hands on Minecraft because believe it or not I've never played it but all summer I've been hooked on Minecraft thanks to a series known as Mianite (#TeamIanite for life!) If you've never heard of Mianite, I highly recommend you check it out, it involves a bunch of awesome YouTubers and it's just so much fun to watch.

The lasst thing on my mind is.....Doctor Who! DOooooooo Weeeeeeeee Doooooo! (yes I had to do that!) The new season/series has started and I honestly like the darker vibe of Capaldi's Doctor. I'm not going to spoil the episode if you haven't seen it yet, but I think it was a good introduction of the 12th Doctor and I can't wait to see what the rest of the series has in store. (Please Steven Moffat, don't have too many feels inducing moments, my fragile emotions can't handle it!)

Anyways, that's enough rambling from me for now, so until my August Favourites post, I'll talk to you all very soon and as always, stay positive, stay healthy and stay happy.
Bye (^_______^/)

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