Friday 20 February 2015

What's Up #6: Rough Week

Hey guys, today's post is going to be very different. I've had a whirlwind of a week this week, and it's left me with no gusto to play around with products, or to even come up with an idea for a blog post this week. I'm not going to go into what happened, but I know that there may be others going through a rough time and just need to know that they're not alone.

If you're having a rough day or a rough week or month;
  1. You have every right to feel those emotions, it's okay to feel sad or angry, holding in emotions, burying emotions damages your emotional and mental health.
  2. DO NOT let anyone make you feel guilty for feeling sad or for crying. It's healthy to express negative emotions
  3. Take some time to yourself. If it makes holding up in your room watching old, funny YouTube videos or re-watching an childhood favourite series, then do it. Invest some time in yourself, doing something you know you enjoy, to give yourself a boost of positivity. 
  4. Please do not turn to self harm or self loathing
  5. If you have someone close to you who you trust, talk about it. Sometimes, talking about a problem with a trusted friend really does help to lift some of the weight off of your shoulders.
Also, if you haven't heard any of these recently,
  1. You're amazing.
  2.  You're loved.
  3. You're beautiful, and don't ever forget that.
  4. You are worth more than you can imagine. 
  5. I believe in you.
I think this is where I'll leave things off for this week. I shall see you all next week.
Love you all!
Bye (^_^)/

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