Friday 6 March 2015


Dear Me,

You may not be a size 4 or size 6 but hell yes, you're beautiful! Don't let the cruel words from family or supposed friends bring you down. You're weight and size DO NOT define you as person, you heart does, and word is you have one purer that gold. 

Dear me, 

It's okay to geek out over comics and video games. Don't be ashamed of the things you love because they lead to you meeting some of the best people you could never have imagine existed. 

Dear me, 

Love yourself every moment of the day! Stop the self loathing. Treat yourself the way you treat the people you love: kindly, sweetly and sincerely. You deserve it! 

Dear me,

You are not worthless! You have a purpose, so keep fighting.

Dear me, 

Dieting and losing weight are not the keys to your happiness. Accepting yourself, loving yourself everyday are. Step away from the cleanses and the crash diets! They do more harm than good. 

Dear me, 

We're still single but you learn it isn't the end of the world. It's not that anything is wrong with you, it's because you know what you want and won't settle for anything less. Keep your head and your standards high!

Dear me, 

I love you, you're amazing and please don't ever forget that!

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