Friday 6 November 2015

J's Thoughts #2: Self-Care (Coping with Stress)

Hello everyone!

Today, I'm slowing it down a little. I've just completed one of the most strenuous and exhausting weeks of my Masters', and I just need to take it easy. I can honestly say I've never felt this exhausted before. I'm used to being physically tired or physically drained, but feeling mentally depleted is kind of new to me, at least depletion to such a high degree.

I'm used to be tired and yawning constantly, but falling asleep on myself, and mentally blanking out in classes and conversation...that's very new.
To be honest, I'm struggling to write this post, because I can't concentrate on what I want to say or the point I want to get across, but I feel so exhausted, I just want to curl up in bed and not leave for another 2 days.

I figured that there may be many persons like myself who need some help with figuring out some good stress-coping (self-care) tips, so I'm just going to put a short-list of things I think are great for coping with stress, and that I'm actually going to be doing this weekend.

Self-Care (Stress-Coping) List
  1. Sleep - Sleep is essential for proper mental, emotional and physical functioning.  
  2. Exercise - I may not look it, but I love to workout, and exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body. Whether it is yoga, running, swimming or dancing, whatever you like to do to get active, do it!
    • P.S remember to remain hydrated
  3. Spa Day - Whether you choose to do it at home or go to a spa, spending some time to pamper yourself, is a great way to deal with stress. I personally prefer at home spa days, where I treat myself to a face mask, and/or do my nails, it is just a great way to unwind. Also, add some scented candles and some instrumental music...hello relaxation haven!
  4. Indulge in a hobby (Reading and Video Games)  - Hobbies are one of the best ways to reduce stress. It wouldn't be a hobby if you didn't enjoy doing it. Whatever your hobby is, set some time aside and just indulge yourself, it works wonders. Baking is one of my favourite hobbies, so I will be making some time to make some yummy baked goods this weekend.
    • Reading - Yes, reading. Novels, comics, graphic novels, anything besides your textbooks or work notes or newspaper. Leisure reading is a great way to unwind.
    • Video Games - Yes, video games! You didn't think I would forget about my beloved video games. Hearthstone, Sims 3, I'm coming back for this weekend...(T_T). Seriously, playing video games is one of my favourite ways to cope with stress, just being able to leave reality behind for a few hours, helps me. 
  5. Music - Listening to music is always a great, and easy way to decompress and relax. If you love singing, sing your heart out!
*At this point, I've curled up at my desk about 10 in the past hour of writing this post*

As I end this post, I just really want to drive home the importance of de-stressing or relaxing, because it is essential. I know many of us would prefer to just keeping going, but no good comes from burning yourself out.  I am, myself learning how to relax. I'm so used to just pushing myself, that I forget to treat myself human sometimes...

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, take care of yourselves, and I hope to see you here again next Friday.
Bye guys!

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