Friday 17 April 2015

What's Up #7 - Chit Chat & Thank You :D

Hello lovelies,
Today, I'm doing a short chatty blog post mostly due to the fact that I tweaked my right wrist, so I can't hold my camera and I can barely manage to hold any of my makeup brushes.
Also, let this be a reminder to be very careful when exercising, especially when integrating a new exercise move into your regime.

It's been a super quiet week for me, I've been feeling down in the dumps as of late, and I've had no interest in doing anything but exercising. To be honest, exercising is just a temporary fix for my mood lately but I know myself well enough to know I should be back to some degree of normalcy by next week. Then again, what is normal? Normalcy is relative...and why am I turning this into one of my old psychology classes, I don't know.

Football this week (for me at least) = (T_T) </3 *sighs* Bayern you broke my heart!....
Liverpool, actually getting back into the winning form (I hope), after getting slaughtered by Arsenal *shudders*...dark times for us. YNWA!

Blog Stuff
Ohhh, I've been testing out a new moisturiser lately, well new to me, not new to the market, and I am planning to do either a full post here or a quickie review on my Instagram. I've been changing up my skincare products lately, because I've been hormonal as heck and my hormones and my skin don't get along nicely at all...(damn you PCOS!) I'm currently dealing with random breakouts/scarring and dark spots (post-breakout) + my pores are opened and so visible it's driving me nuts. What made it better, was none of my old faithful products seem to be helping, so I'm back to using a full Bioré cleansing routine and switching between regular moisturiser and oil, to keep my skin moisturised.

Winged Liner Tutorial - I'm still on the fence on whether or not to make one. There are soo many pictorials and video tutorials out there, that I feel as though mine would get lost in the masses, also I'm not a makeup artist, I'm not qualified to teach these things. My internal debate is still ongoing, but I will let you know if one will be made or not.

I've recently decided, to move all hauls strictly to my Instagram (@ladyjpsych). It's easier and most effective for hauls to just do them via instagram and then do a review on the products on here on the main blog. (See, I can make decisions! I've no idea who I'm trying to fool here.)

Thank You <3
A massive thank you to everyone who reads my blog post/visits my blog, close to 500 views, which to me is pretty crazy. I started my blog as a place to just post my babble, and to know that there are people out there who read and I would like to hope enjoy my babbling, it really means a lot to me! \(^w^)/ *Internet hugs all round*

I think I've babbled and rambled on for quite a bit now, so I will end things here for this week. Stay tuned though, next week I'm planning to post all about my go-to brushes (they're all inexpensive and cruelty-free!). Until then, stay happy, healthy and positive (I know I'm trying to!) and I shall see you all soon.
Bye-Bye (^_^)/

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