Thursday 1 January 2015

It's 2015 : Happy New Year!!


Happy New Year to each and everyone of my amazing readers. I've been ill for the most of December and rang in the new year with a hard cough and slight fever while comforting my pup who is absolutely terrified of fireworks. I hope you all have a great year ahead of you. I wish you all health, prosperity and positivity in this upcoming year.

I'm not one to make new year's resolutions, however, I am going to make a promise to make a post once a week, most likely on Fridays and it will be a mix of the beauty and makeup as well as my gamer/nerdy loves or any random thoughts or rants I may have on a particular subject, while maintaining positivity.

The reason I created my blog, was to have a space to be free, to be myself in all my nerdy, weird and makeup addicted glory! In the few months of running my blog, I'm happy to say I've been able to do that. I've become so much happier with the person I am simply because I'm not hiding the fact that I love video games, comics and marathoning Lord of The Rings and Star Wars while simultaneously embracing my love of makeup and making recommendations to others about stuff I love.

I really want in 2015, to be more active with my blog, so I bought myself a new compact flash memory for my T3 and I've been busy snapping away, preparing for new post, so be on the lookout for those very soon.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I shall see you all very soon!
As always stay happy, healthy and positive,
Bye (^_^)/

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