Friday 23 January 2015

Product Review: L'Oreal Paris Miss Manga Mascara

Hello everybody! 

How was your week? 

Mine was hectic as heck. I found out I registered online for the wrong Masters' program and I'm in the process of correcting it. Writing my research proposal has me feeling to rip my hair out! However, I got access to Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm Beta, and oh man me likey! I've also been reminiscing and playing an old favourite of mine, Metroid II Return of Samus. It was the first game I ever played and completed and I still love it. I bought through Club Nintendo last year and I still feel all the frustration I felt back when I first played it. Sighs...the good ole days of my original Gameboy. 

Anywhosies, you guys came here for a makeup review. 

The Voluminous Miss Manga

1. I'm a fan of anime and manga so this mascara got me super hyped just by the name
2. I thoroughly enjoy L'Oreal mascaras, The Voluminous Butterfly is my favourite mascara! 
3. Most Beauty YouTubers raved about this mascara
4. One of my besties tried it and it made her lashes look amazing! 

So, do I love this mascara?.....Not really. It's not the best mascara nor the worse mascara for my lashes. My lashes are mid-length and have a natural curl, so this mascara does give them lift,and defines them, but it makes my lashes clump together, especially on the other corners of my eyes. Both my brother and my mother commented on how clumpy my lashes looked every time I used this mascara. 
At first I thought it was because it was brand new and just needed sometime to dry out but despite that my lashes still clump together. 
The brush is tapered at the tip and is really great for reaching those itty bitty inner corner lashes but I've noticed that the bristles tend to hold a lot of product on it and even when I wipe off the brush, i still get clumping. (T~T)

 In the end, the Voluminous Miss Manga is a good mascara but it's not really what I expected with all the hype I've seen on YouTube. Maybe if you have long, luxurious lashes like my bestie you may like more than I do. 

That's it for today's post, I'll be back with a new post next week, possibly with another makeup battle royale or a product rave. I haven't made up my mind just yet. I hope you all are doing well and until I speak to you again, stay healthy, happy and positive! 

Bye guys (^_^)/

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