Friday 7 August 2015

J's Thoughts #1- Chit Chatting about Feeling Down

Hello everyone,

I know for the past month, I've been throwing out product reviews and I even revived my Game Corner Series, which was mega fun for me, however, it's been a while since I just wrote about myself and how I've been doing, so I figured that today I would do that.
I had planned to do a skin care blog post to talk about some new products I've introduced to my routine, but I just have no drive to make that post today.

Today for the first time in approximately a month, I have no drive or excitement to post or write or even to play a video game. I told one of my friends earlier this week that I just feel so exhausted by everything, but today is definitely the worse day of them all. I posted some swatches on my Instagram today, only to delete it an hour later, simply because I didn't feel excited about my post. I'm usually really excited to post my swatches, or pictures of my dogs and random selfies, but today, I just feel meh.

You're probably wondering why I've decided to share this on my blog?

Well the answer is simple, I know I am not the only person who falls into these slums. Also, as a person who is planning on becoming a Psychologist, it's important for me to acknowledge these moods, and negative emotions, and find means to adapt or just simply relax and let them run their course.

I've spent so much of my life hiding behind a fake smile, try not to acknowledge my feelings, that only now I've come to realize, I'm not always going to be happy or optimistic, I'm going to have days, hell even weeks where I just feel run down, sad, and unenthusiastic.

I just need to remind myself, like I am reminding you, better days are coming. Even if it doesn't feel that way, hold on little one because they are. These feelings and moods won't last forever, and you just need to take baby steps to get your groove back.

I know this isn't in the usual nature of my blog, but this is not just my space for sharing my favourite games, makeup and beauty items, but it's also a place for me to place what's on my mind, it is my Mind Palace!

I'll return to my normal postings next week, but for now, I need to rest. I know this post is a bit of a downer but everyone experience lows in their life, I'm just choosing to share my with the world.
Until I see you lovely people again next week, stay safe.
Bye guys (^-^)

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